Opening Hours / Admission Fees

Opening Hours

Apr – Oct

Nov – Mar

Great Buddha Hall

7:30 – 17:30

8:00 – 17:00

Hokke-dō (Sangatsu-dō)
Senju-dō at the Kaidan-in

8:30 – 16:00

Todai-ji Museum

9:30 – 17:30
(Last admission 17:00)

9:30 – 17:00
(Last admission 16:30)

Entrance / admission fee

*Admission fees are charged at the Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsu-den), Hokke-dō, Kaidan-dō and Tōdai-ji Museum.


Group (30 or more)




16 – 18 years old



13 – 15 years old



6 – 12 years old



An audio guide is available for rent just past the Great Buddha Hall ticket gate. Please check here for details.

The Great Buddha Hall / Todai-ji Museum joint pass



6 – 12 years old


* Joint pass can be bought at Todaiji Museum and the Great Buddha Hall

Audio Guide(A set of touch pen, earphone, and map are included.)

Rental fee (per person)


*No reservation is required. (Groups of 10 or more must make a reservation.)

Operated by: NIF Corporation

Visitor Information

  • Opening Hours / Admission Fees
  • MAP
  • » Daibutsu-den
  • » Hokke-dō
  • » Senju-dō at the Kaidan-in
  • » Museum
  • » Nandai-mon
  • » Nigatsu-dō
  • » Shigatsu-dō
  • » Kaisan-dō
  • » Fudō-dō
  • » Shunjō-dō
  • » Gyōki-dō
  • » Nembutsu-dō
  • » Bell Tower
  • » Ōyuya
  • » Sashizu-dō
  • » Kanjin-sho
  • » Kaidan-dō at the Kaidan-in
  • » Site of the Lecture Hall​
  • » Tegai-mon Gate
  • » Shōsō-in